Intro Fibonacci pseudo-primes Soliton recursion Entropy Graphene Cherenkov Twisted light Non-perturbative QED Short times


Fibonacci pseudo-primes

Fibonaci number of index $n$ modulo $n$ seems to give $\pm1$ for every prime $n$ (except for $n=5$)
Can you prove it?
(There are non-primes that still satisfy this condition)
$n$ $1$$2$$3$$4$$5$$6$$7$$8$$9$$10$$11$$12$$13$$14$$15$$16$$17$
$F(n)$ $1$$1$$2$$3$$5$$8$$13$$21$$34$$55$$89$$144$$233$$377$$610$$987$$1597$
$F(n) \mod n$ $0$$1$$-1$$-1$$0$$2$$-1$$-3$$-2$$5$$1$$0$$-1$$-1$$-5$$-5$$-1$

Lucas numbers are much nicer than their Fibonacci relatives:
here it seems that $L(n)$ mod $n=1$, for every prime $n$, with no exceptions
Can you prove it?
are there non-primes that still satisfy this condition?
$n$ $1$$2$$3$$4$$5$$6$$7$$8$$9$$10$$11$$12$$13$$14$$15$$16$$17$
$L(n)$ $1$$3$$4$$7$$11$$18$$29$$47$$76$$123$$199$$322$$521$$843$$1364$$2207$$3571$
$L(n) \mod n$ $0$$1$$1$$-1$$1$$0$$1$$-1$$4$$3$$1$$-2$$1$$3$$-1$$-1$$1$

Soliton recursion

The recursion relation below describes two sequences of complex numbers $z_n$ and $w_n$
What can you say about these sequences for all $n$? Try simulating it!

$z_{n+1} = F_{c}(z_n,w_n)$
$w_{n+1} = F_{d}(w_n,z_n)$ $$ F_g(u,v):=\frac{(1-g+|v|^2)u+gv}{g \bar v u + 1 + (1-g)|v|^2} $$
The parameter $c$ is an arbitrary complex number (imaginary part of zero typically gives degenerate dynamics),
and $d=f(c)$, with $f(c):=1-c+c/ \bar c$
Note that $f$ has a nice symmetric property: $c=f(d)=f(f(c))$
Given an arbitrary choice of $z_0$, $w_0$, and $c$, what is the behavior of the sequences $z_n$ and $w_n$?


$$ F(X):=\int_{-\infty}^{\infty} \frac{dy}{\big((1-e^{-y})X-y \big)^2 + \pi^2} $$ Prove that $F$ satisfies the following equation for all $X>0$
$$ \frac{1}{F(X)} - 1 + \log\Big(\frac{1}{F(X)} - 1\Big) = \log(X) - X $$ Or, in other words, prove that $1/F(X) = 1 + X/G(X)$,
where the function $G$ is defined as the solution of the following $$ (1+\rho)X=\rho \log(\rho) \hspace{2cm} \rho=G(X) $$ What can you say about $X<0$? $\hspace{2cm}$ Any guess what is the physical importance of this integral?

Graphene Cherenkov

Find, prove, or guess the correct analytical expressions for the following
for every real-valued $a$, and especially $|a|<1$ $$ \int_{0}^{\pi} \frac{\cos^2(\theta)\sin(\theta)}{\cos(\theta)-a} d\theta $$ $$ \int_{0}^{\pi} \frac{\cos^3(\theta)}{\cos(\theta)-a} d\theta $$ $$ \int_{0}^{\pi} \frac{\cos^2(\theta)}{\cos(\theta)-a} d\theta $$

Twisted light

Simplify the following integral
$$ \int_{0}^{2\pi} d\phi e^{ikx \cos(\phi) + iky \sin(\phi)} $$ More generally, what function is the following integral representing for an integer $m$?
$$ \int_{0}^{2\pi} d\phi e^{-im\phi}e^{ikx \cos(\phi) + iky \sin(\phi)} $$

Non-perturbative QED

The goal is to find an efficient way to calculate $P_n(t)$ for large $n$ and an arbitrary t
($z_1,z_2,...,z_n$ and $x$ sum over all elements in the domains of the corresponding functions $\Gamma_n$ and $G_n$, which are defined over domains of size $M$ and are zero everywhere else) $$ P_0(t)=\Bigg| \sum_{x}^{} e^{ixt} G_0(x) \Bigg|^2 $$ $$ P_1(t)=\sum_{z1} \Gamma_1(z_1) \Bigg| \sum_{x}^{} e^{ixt} G_0(x)G_1(x-z_1) \Bigg|^2 $$ $$ P_2(t)=\sum_{z1} \Gamma_1(z_1) \sum_{z_2} \Gamma_2(z_2) \Bigg| \sum_{x}^{} e^{ixt} G_0(x)G_1(x-z_1)G_2(x-z_1-z_2) \Bigg|^2 $$ $$ P_n(t)=\sum_{z1} \Gamma_1(z_1) \sum_{z_2} \Gamma_2(z_2) \ldots \sum_{z_n} \Gamma_n(z_n) \Bigg| \sum_{x}^{} e^{ixt} G_0(x)G_1(x-z_1)G_2(x-z_1-z_2) \ldots G_n(x-z_1-z_2-\ldots-z_n) \Bigg|^2 $$
A naive calculation will have a time complexity O$(M^{n+1})$, which is inefficient since it grows exponentially in $n$
Find an efficient algorithm for calculating $P_n(t)$
Hint: can you find an algorithm that has a setup time of complexity O$(M^3n^3\log(MN))$
with additional O$(MnT)$ operations to calculate $P_n(t)$ for $T$ values of $t$?

Short times

What is the behavior of $|U(t)|$ at very small $t$?
$$ U(t) = \int_{e}^{\infty} \frac{e^{i \omega t}}{\omega \log^2(\omega)} d\omega $$